technologies challenge our techniques of performance, customary perceptions
of culturally embodied knowledge and sensory processing, assumptions
about choreography, composition, and relations between maker, performer
and audience.
The central aim of this international lab is to take stock of the evolution
of contemporary dance technology, and develop a new understanding of
interaction design, real-time and physical computing in the dance field
through critical engagement with the consequences of interactivity and
digital manipulation on living cultural traditions of dance.
forty of the leading practitioners in the world today working with technology-
based dance forms have been invited to come to Nottingham to examine
how interactive performance and other systems of technology-based creativity
(in related fields ranging from engineering, robotics, biology, architecture
and music to fashion and textiles) impact dance cultures and foster
a new performance
Gibson (Igloo) with mocap exoskeleton / Lali
Krotoszynski's images dance online in "Entre"
have new hybrid forms moved beyond older aesthetic conventions, and
how do interactive, real time media blur distinctions between performer
and user, between art, play, ritual, game and utility.
we speak of a contemporary aesthetics of technology based dance?
Featured artists
include Jayachandran Palazhy (India) Troika Ranch (USA), kondition
pluriel (Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch, Canada), Carol Brown
Dances with Mette Ramsgard Thomsen (UK), Igloo (UK) Simon Biggs/Sue
Hawksley (UK), Gregory Sporton (UK), Margarita Bali (Argentina), Scott
deLahunta (The Netherlands), Koala Yip (Hong Kong), Lali Krotoszynski
(Brasil), Jonatas Manzolli (Brasil), Yacov Sharir (USA), Hellen Sky/Company
in Space (Australia), Kunihiko Matsuo (Japan), Zhen Xin (China), Wan
Su (China), Ran Hyman (Canada), Marlon Barrios Solano (USA), Ghislaine
Boddington (UK), Henry Daniel (Canada), Nuria Font (Spain), Igor Stromajer
(Slovenia), Mine Kaylan (Turkey/UK), Aylin Kalem (Turkey), John Mitchell
(USA), Philippe Baudelot (France), Armando Menicacci (Paris), Paul
Verity Smith (UK), Thecla Schiphorst (Canada), Ivani Santana (Brazil),
Keith Armstrong (Australia), Michèle Danjoux (UK), Sue Broadhurst
(UK), Erin Manning (Canada), Chris Salter (Canada), Kirk Woolford
(UK), Isabel Valverde (Portugal), Alastair Bannerman (UK), Erin Manning
(Canada), Nadine Asswad (Canada), Daniela Zehnder (Switzerland), Rachel
Zuanon (Brazil), Jaime del Val (Spain), et al.
. .
. .

Internettikka (Stromajer) and Image-controlled sound nanospheres